
From Pastor David
What to Expect
Our church services begin with contemporary, uplifting worship songs played by our Worship team. Next, we give announcements to inform you of current events at CCCV, followed by the offering/tithes (guests are not asked or expected to participate in the offering). Pastor David (or guest speaker) will give a message from the Bible designed to help you apply biblical principles to everyday life, as well as encourage and challenge you to live out your faith. At the conclusion of service Pastor David will pray, and the Worship team will lead the congregation in a final song. Ministry leaders are always at the front of the stage following each service, if you’d like to receive prayer.

Where To Go
Our church services are held in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings we meet in the Chapel. We have Greeters and other volunteers available to direct you to these locations.
We have separate Jr. High and High School services available in the second story of the 300 building, above the Mini Chapel. Jr. High meets in room 305, and High School meets in room 304.
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Kids Ministry takes place during all regular services for infants through 6th grade. Before going into service, stop by our Kids Ministry office (room 303) to meet one of our friendly office servants that will help you check in your child(ren). These classes provide age-appropriate Bible lessons, crafts, and activities to help your children learn biblical principles.
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During our second service at 10:45am on Sunday mornings, our Spanish Ministry, Fuente de Vida, has it’s independent Spanish-speaking service. If you or your loved ones are more comfortable receiving in Spanish, join our Spanish Ministry in the Chapel for a time of worship and the word.
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*Please note, our regular church services have been prepared with an adult audience in mind. Therefore, we ask that you please bring children under the age of 12 to the Kids Ministry prior to service.
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