
Epic High School students

What is EPIC?

EPIC High School Ministry exists to communicate to students an understanding of their purpose, impart hope in Christ, build godly character, and distinguish what they believe and why.  EPIC is an acronym for “Equipping People In Christ,” which is the direction that God has called this ministry to lead (2 Timothy 3:16-17). To make an impact in the lives of students, EPIC engages them by hosting events like broomball, game nights, hikes, mission trips, retreats, and more.  Studies are taught through books of the Bible, chapter-by-chapter and verse-by-verse, with an occasional topical series. All high school students are welcome at EPIC to recognize the need for God on a personal level and apply His truths to everyday situations.

EPIC High School meets during Sunday morning and Wednesday evening services in Room 304 above the Chapel Store.  Once a month, the youth group gathers in the Main Sanctuary to hear from Pastor David.  This helps students slowly transition from being a part of a youth group to becoming integrated with CCCV as a whole once they graduate.

A Jesus People Community
A Jesus People Community
A Jesus People Community
A Jesus People Community
A Jesus People Community

High School Service Times and Events

Service Times & Locations

- Sundays at 8:30am and 10:45am (upstairs in the HS room of the 300 building)

- Wednesdays 7:00pm (upstairs in the HS room of the 300 building)

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Youtube icon for Mens Ministry

Contact Kristen Yamamoto
Youth Ministries Administrative Assistant
(909) 464-8255 ext. 267
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