
Thank You
Thank you for your gifts to the Lord! If you have given your tithes and offerings during 2024 by cash, check, or debit/credit card, you may receive a copy of your giving statement. Simply fill out the online form by clicking the link below, or pick up a form at the reception desk to request your 2024 statement.
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1. In person with cash or check. Place your donation in a tithe envelope (cash or check) and place it in any offering box on campus.
2. In person with a debit or credit card. If you are on campus and would like to give by credit card, visit any of the Giving Stations located in our Sanctuary of Chapel foyer. This can be done during office hours, or before/after any service.
3. Text to give. Send a text message to 844-311-4777, and in the body of your message type “Gift $” followed by the amount you would like to give (example: Gift $100).
4. Online. From any page of our website, click the “GIVE” button in the top right corner and you will be connected to SecureGive – our safe, secure, and easy-to-use electronic giving system. You can also set up recurring giving, so that your account is automatically withdrawn on the day of your choosing.
5. On-The-Go. Download the SecureGive Vision app to give using your smartphone or tablet. Set “Calvary Chapel Chino Valley” as your home organization, and give anytime, anywhere
If you have submitted your tithes and offerings by debit/credit card, check, or cash in a labeled envelope, you may request to receive a copy of your giving statement.
You may also complete a paper form at the church or call our church office to make your request.
Monetary giving to the Lord through HIs church is a spiritual act of worship. It is God’s desire for giving to be the joy and responsibility of every believer, not something to be done as a burdensome obligation. The Bible teaches that God has commanded every believer to give regularly, generously, and cheerfully.
Because of your faithful prayer and financial support, we have been able to minister to the local community, throughout the nation, and various parts of the world!
You may have heard these words used in church, yet not understood what they meant. Biblically, a tithe is giving 10% of your income. An offering is giving above and beyond your tithe, such as supporting specific ministries and causes.
Your gifts help us to accomplish a wide variety of things. You may not realize, but it takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work to run the church!
Your gifts support the various ministries and outreach activities that take place each week. They help us to run conferences, support our missionaries, and provide supplies in the kids classrooms. They are also used to keep the utilities going, provide general upkeep of the buildings, and even employee our church staff. Furthermore, your gifts allow us to provide Pastor David’s teachings as a free digital resource through his podcast, on our website, through our church app, and on Youtube.
If you’d like your donation to go toward a specific area of ministry, you are always welcome to indicate this at the time of your gift.
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