Care &

Hospital Visits
The purpose of the hospital visitation ministry is to bring comfort to those in our fellowship and their families who are hospitalized. We pray for healing, share the gospel where needed, bring comfort, and remind those that are in especially difficult situations that God loves them and is working through their situation, no matter how bleak.
Hospital and hospital visitations are done per request. If you would like a visit for someone in the hospital, please first make sure the patient or decision maker for the patient would like us to visit. Then, contact us and let us know you are interested in a hospital visitation. Call the church office at (909) 464-8255 or fill out our Hospital Visitation Request Form.
You will need to include:
The patient’s legal name and age
Your name, phone number, and relationship to patient
The hospital, address, phone number, and room number
Reason for hospitalization
Are they a Christian?
Do they attend this fellowship or another fellowship?
We have seen the Lord do some incredible things, and we know His miracles will never cease!
Convalescent Visits
The purpose of the hospital visitation ministry is to bring comfort to those in our fellowship and their families who are hospitalized. We pray for healing, share the gospel where needed, bring comfort, and remind those that are in especially difficult situations that God loves them and is working through their situation, no matter how bleak.
Hospital and hospital visitations are done per request. If you would like a visit for someone in the hospital, please first make sure the patient or decision maker for the patient would like us to visit. Then, contact us and let us know you are interested in a hospital visitation. Call the church office at (909) 464-8255 or fill out our Hospital Visitation Request Form.
You will need to include:
The patient’s legal name and age
Your name, phone number, and relationship to patient
The hospital, address, phone number, and room number
Reason for hospitalization
Are they a Christian?
Do they attend this fellowship or another fellowship?
We have seen the Lord do some incredible things, and we know His miracles will never cease!
Dinner Ministry
Women’s Dinner Ministry provides meals for families of ladies who have given birth, undergone surgery, or are experiencing an illness.
If you find yourself in need of help from this ministry, please call (909) 464-8255 ext. 273, or email the women’s ministry at
If you would like to get more information about becoming a part of serving in the Dinner Ministry, click here.