Charis Spring Festival
Ladies, Charis Women's Ministry invites you to this year's Spring Festival, "Seasons" taken from Ecclesiastes 3:1.
Join us Friday, March 28th from 5:00pm - 9:00pm for a Spirit-filled evening of fellowship, food, shopping, worship, and the Word!
The cost is $9.
The outdoor festival will feature shopping and treats from 30 local artisans and pop-up shops on the courtyard and patio. We will have a food court with food trucks and outdoor dining areas for fellowship. Our campus Holy Grounds Café and Chapel Store will be open as well. We will then convene to the Sanctuary for worship and a teaching by guest speaker, Christy Duff.
Snapshot of the evening:
5:00pm - 7:15pm (Courtyard, Patio, and Food Court)
Enjoy shopping from local artisans, pop-up shops and our Chapel Store. Purchase dinner and treats from the food trucks and the Holy Grounds Café.
7:30pm - 9:00pm (Sanctuary)
Settle in for the remainder of the evening with beautiful worship, followed by an encouraging message by Christy Duff.
All ladies 14 years and older are welcome to attend. Childcare is not available.
Invite a friend!
If you would like to serve as an usher, hostess, or restroom refresher for this event, click on the 'Servant Registration' button.
If you are a local artisan or baker and would like to sell your crafts or food at the Spring Festival from 5:00pm - 7:15pm, click the 'Vendor Application' button to apply for a Vendor space.

Christy Duff is a pastor’s wife at The Garden Fellowship, where her husband, Jason, is the senior pastor. She and Jason have been married for 24 years, and they have 3 beautiful children: 22-year-old Haley, 20-year-old Jonathan, and 18-year-old Aleah. She has a passion for women to grow in the Lord through His Word, and she is blessed to be able to travel, speak, and write to encourage them to do just that!