Fulfilled: A Kids Ministry Easter Series

Fulfilled is an Easter service series with themed activities and Bible lessons. We aim to teach the kids how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy by coming as the Suffering Servant and the Passover Lamb to be victorious over death and bring new life.

CCCV Kids is excited to make the Easter season memorable and celebratory for all kids, infants - 6th grade, and those with special needs! Each age group will enjoy activities during all Easter services, including:
Palm Sunday, April 13th
Good Friday, April 18th
Easter Sunday, April 20th

This is a great opportunity to invite friends as we learn the reason for celebrating Easter!

Fulfilled is an Easter service series with themed activities and Bible lessons. We aim to teach the kids how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy by coming as the Suffering Servant and the Passover Lamb to be victorious over death and bring new life.

CCCV Kids is excited to make the Easter season memorable and celebratory for all kids, infants - 6th grade, and those with special needs! Each age group will enjoy activities during all Easter services, including:
Palm Sunday, April 13th
Good Friday, April 18th
Easter Sunday, April 20th

This is a great opportunity to invite friends as we learn the reason for celebrating Easter!

Palm Sunday, April 13th | Good Friday, April 18th | Easter Sunday, April 20th
During Services

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