Love Like Jesus

Behold! For infants – 6th graders and those with special needs, a captivating evening awaits the young disciples of Jesus, a journey of discovery into the depths of His boundless love. As they traverse through the pages of the Bible, they will witness the depths of His grace and compassion, and learn how to mirror His love in their daily lives. The evening will be filled with joyous worship, creative crafts, and most importantly, a chance to truly experience the transformative power of Jesus' love. May their hearts be forever changed by the grandeur of His love!

Focus Verse: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. John 13:34

Behold! For infants – 6th graders and those with special needs, a captivating evening awaits the young disciples of Jesus, a journey of discovery into the depths of His boundless love. As they traverse through the pages of the Bible, they will witness the depths of His grace and compassion, and learn how to mirror His love in their daily lives. The evening will be filled with joyous worship, creative crafts, and most importantly, a chance to truly experience the transformative power of Jesus' love. May their hearts be forever changed by the grandeur of His love!

Focus Verse: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. John 13:34

Wednesday, February 14
In your kid's classrooms
Lilibel Victorious
(909) 464-8255

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