Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Calvary Chapel of the Chino Valley will be observing National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday on January 21, 2024.

What is National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday?
In 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation designating the third Sunday of January, annually, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day, which is now called National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

Pastors, churches, and pro-life organizations across the United States observe this day to bring awareness to the attacks that are daily waged against human life through the abortion industry.

In observance of this day, believers whose hearts are grieved by the tragedy of abortion reflect on the unborn lives that have been lost, and pray for the unborn babies in jeopardy of being aborted.
It is also a time to stand together and ask for God’s mercy on our country for this heinous sin, and proclaim loudly that all lives are created in the image of God and should be treated as such.

One of the best ways we can protect unborn lives is by bringing into the light the darkness of abortion, and supporting local life organizations that daily reach women and families with messages of hope and life.

We pray that you  would consider coming alongside the CCCV  Pro-Life/Crisis Pregnancy  Ministry called Quiet Voices. The goal of our ministry is to help women and families faced with an unplanned pregnancy receive the love, support, and empowerment to choose life!

So, come celebrate National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday on January 21st. There will be a special educational announcement during the Sunday morning services as well as interactive presentations and activities after each Sunday morning service.

We look forward to celebrating with you and bringing awareness to "protecting the unborn" on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday!

The Lord called me from the womb,
from the body of my mother he named my name.

Isaiah 49:1

Calvary Chapel of the Chino Valley will be observing National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday on January 21, 2024.

What is National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday?
In 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation designating the third Sunday of January, annually, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day, which is now called National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

Pastors, churches, and pro-life organizations across the United States observe this day to bring awareness to the attacks that are daily waged against human life through the abortion industry.

In observance of this day, believers whose hearts are grieved by the tragedy of abortion reflect on the unborn lives that have been lost, and pray for the unborn babies in jeopardy of being aborted.
It is also a time to stand together and ask for God’s mercy on our country for this heinous sin, and proclaim loudly that all lives are created in the image of God and should be treated as such.

One of the best ways we can protect unborn lives is by bringing into the light the darkness of abortion, and supporting local life organizations that daily reach women and families with messages of hope and life.

We pray that you  would consider coming alongside the CCCV  Pro-Life/Crisis Pregnancy  Ministry called Quiet Voices. The goal of our ministry is to help women and families faced with an unplanned pregnancy receive the love, support, and empowerment to choose life!

So, come celebrate National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday on January 21st. There will be a special educational announcement during the Sunday morning services as well as interactive presentations and activities after each Sunday morning service.

We look forward to celebrating with you and bringing awareness to "protecting the unborn" on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday!

The Lord called me from the womb,
from the body of my mother he named my name.

Isaiah 49:1

Sunday, January 21
After Sunday Morning Services

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