UPGRADE: All Students Move up to the Next Grade

Attention all students and parents! It is almost time for students to upgrade to the next grade level as they get ready for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.

Sunday, June 16th is the last day kids and youth will be in their current grade during services. Kids will celebrate with teachers as they prepare to promote to the next grade.

Wednesday, June 19th is when students will move up to the area that matches their grade level during the 2024-2025 school year.

After Promotion Night, all Kids attending services should be checked into the classrooms that match their grade for the upcoming school year.

Attention all students and parents! It is almost time for students to upgrade to the next grade level as they get ready for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.

Sunday, June 16th is the last day kids and youth will be in their current grade during services. Kids will celebrate with teachers as they prepare to promote to the next grade.

Wednesday, June 19th is when students will move up to the area that matches their grade level during the 2024-2025 school year.

After Promotion Night, all Kids attending services should be checked into the classrooms that match their grade for the upcoming school year.

Sunday, June 16th, Wednesday, June 19th

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