
The CCCV Worship Ministry is a community of brothers and sisters who love the Lord Jesus, people, and music. This team is for those who desire to use their musical talents to bring glory to God by leading His church in song. In addition to singing or playing an instrument during services and other events, those serving in the Worship Ministry must learn and practice the music at home and attend rehearsals.

The Worship Ministry serves in a variety of places beyond the main church services. These include conferences, special events, youth and kids ministry services, VBS, retreats, outreaches, and more. These may take place at various times and on various days throughout the week.

If you’d like to speak with the Worship Ministry team in person, a table will be set up in the courtyard after morning services on the first Sunday of every month. They’ll be available for all your questions.


  1. You must be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, with a daily life that reveals fruit of your relationship with Jesus.
  2. You must have musical talent, skill, and style that is desired, observed, and approved by the leadership of the CCCV Worship Ministry.
  3. You must consider Pastor David Rosales your pastor, and Calvary Chapel Chino Valley your home church.
  4. You have consistently attended Calvary Chapel Chino Valley for at least 6 months.

Acoustic Guitar
You must have your own guitar
Ability to read and play music using chord charts
Ability to use a capo and transpose keys
Experience playing with a drummer or percussionist preferred

Bass Guitar
Must have your own bass guitar and amplifier
Ability to read and play music using chord charts
Can play with and without a pick
Experience playing with a drummer or percussionist preferred

Drums & Percussion
Must have your own instrument at home to practice with
Ability to read and play music using chord charts
Ability to keep a consistent beat / tempo
Ability to learn new parts and techniques by ear
Experience playing with a worship leader and/or full band preferred

Electric Guitar
Must have your own guitar, amplifier, and pedal board
Ability to read and play music using chord charts
Ability to achieve strong overdrive tone with consistent chords and strumming
Ability to learn solos and riffs by ear
Ability to create original solos and riffs to fit the song and style
Ability to set up and use reverb, delay, overdrive, and volume pedals
Experience playing with worship leader and/or full band preferred

Must have your own instrument and sustain pedal at home to practice with
Ability to read and play music using chord charts
Ability to set-up and use the Grand Piano, Strings, Pads, Organ, and Synth sounds
Ability to learn new parts and techniques by ear
Ability to comfortably transition between keys of songs, to play song intros, and play interludes between songs for flow and ambience
Experience playing with worship leader and/or full band preferred

Ability to read and sing music using chord charts
Ability to sing lead melodies and harmonies
Strong pitch control
Ability to control vocal vibrato
Knowledge of your own vocal range
Strong ability to learn by ear
Ability to assess and match the following vocal qualities: vibrato, breathy/vocal tone, soft/loud dynamic, phrasing, pronunciation
Must regularly listen to recordings of yourself singing and analyze for growth
Experience singing with vocal team and/or full band preferred

Worship Leader
Must have abilities listed above for vocals, and for acoustic guitar and/or keyboard
Always listening to and discovering new worship songs
Administrative and communication skills
Working knowledge of all instruments used by the worship team
Knowledge of what songs are current and relevant
Experience serving in full band preferred

Application Process
1.    Submit a Ministry Application or have one already on file
2.    Submit a Video Audition:
Record a 5-7 minute video that includes:

  1. Short 1-minute personal introduction with your name, how long you have attended CCCV, How long you have been learning your instrument, and one reason why you desire to serve in the CCCV Worship Ministry.
  2. First song: any song of your choosing that shows off your talent and ability. This can be one of your favorite songs to play or sing.
  3. Second Song: play or sing one of the songs from the following list:
  4. Lion And The Lamb – Bethel Music
  5. What A Beautiful Name – Hillsong Worship
  6. Holy Spirit – Francesca Battistelli
  7. Cornerstone – Hillsong Worship

If you have any questions or need assistance with your Ministry Application, please call or email the CCCV Worship Ministry secretary Dominique Valadez. She can be reached during office hours at (909) 464-8255 ext. 245 or at dominiquev@calvaryccv.org.

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